Image Credit: Tyler Parker

Special Week Invites Students to Discover Campus Churches

Once a quarter, Walla Walla University holds a week-long worship experience that modifies students’ class schedules to allow for daily campus-wide worship programs. Often these programs are led by guest speakers, but this spring, the Associated Students of Walla Walla University chose to collaborate with student-led spiritual groups on campus to organize the services.

Mitchell Powers, senior religion major and student lead chaplain, described Week of Worship as a great way to begin a new quarter. “It is a kick-start to the spiritual journey of our student body and helps orient us towards the divine as we face our daily challenges,” he said.

While the spring quarter Week of Worship is typically organized by ASWWU to allow students to share their testimonies with their peers, this is the first time WWU’s three student-led churches were asked to relate their unique perspectives. Powers explained the event showcased the student-led churches on campus in hopes that by sharing a taste of each congregation, students would be encouraged to attend or get involved with the churches.

The student-led churches that were presented included Circle Church, Nuestra Iglesia and Berean. Nuestra Iglesia and Berean churches are led predominantly by Hispanic and African-American students. “Student-led churches are some of our campuses’ most genuine and authentic worship experiences. [They] tackle, in a Christ community, some of the most difficult questions and challenges that students face,” said Powers. 

One of the daily services was presented by the student missions office. “This Week of Worship was done 100% by students and for students,” said Powers. He added that it is really special to see students being formed spiritually not only through the influence of the staff and faculty, but also from their friends and classmates.

To learn more about spiritual life at WWU, visit

