David Reinhold Hensel

Featured in: October 2014

HENSEL — David Reinhold, 79; born Jan. 4, 1934, Heron Lake, Minn.; died Aug. 6, 2013, Inchelium, Wash. Surviving: wife, Caroline (Tupper); son, Ken, of Florida; daughter, Linda Schumacher, Inchelium; brother, Richard, of Texas; sister, Esther Hamel, Berrien Springs, Mich.; 7 grandchildren and 2 great-grandchildren.

Dave Hensel graduated from Walla Walla University and practiced as an Electrical Engineer for Boeing. Then later on he partnered with Don Kirkman and they served as Engineering Development Managers for the South America SDA Division from 1964 to 1970. Dave Hensel's pilot and Ham Radio licenses were especially useful in the more remote areas of South America. He also helped build and design Auburn Adventist Academy and numerous churches. He served with the Maranatha missionary program. He later partnered with Vic Lund. 

Dave married Caroline Tupper on May 30, 1964. One could write a fascinating book on this wonderful person. He was always loving and helpful to others. He took in numerous exchange students and he also helped me (Audrey) continue on with college by walking me through the enrollment process and paying my starting tuition. We all miss him immensely and love him eternally!