Hood View Enjoys Variety in Baptisms

Hood View Enjoys Variety in Baptisms So far, this year’s 24 Hood View Church (Boring, Ore.) individualized baptisms included many ages, from children to middle-age adults, and have taken place in interesting locations like the ocean, rivers, lakes and hot springs and on a rock-climbing trip. Hood View's pastors support unique desires about baptism. One young man, Jason Loud, phoned Luke Porter, Hood View youth pastor, after an evening sports event. "I've decided to be baptized," Loud said. "Great! When?" Porter asked. Loud answered, "Right now." So his baptism took place at 11:00 p.m. Baptisms at Hood View are sometimes family-wide events. Shirley Wilmot saw all four of her children baptized together more than 30 years ago. She witnessed the baptism of six of her grandchildren at the same time on Aug. 14 in the Clackamas River with Hood View pastors officiating. Often these baptisms are generated by the kindness of the church members themselves. After 40 years out of the church, a friend’s comment spurred Ted Hilde to consider his spiritual condition. Greeters warmly welcomed him one Sabbath morning at Hood View and invited him to their home for dinner. Consequently he joined the church through baptism. Denise Smith invited her co-worker, Rosemary Loum, to church with her. Loum liked the services, attended the CHIP health seminar and was later baptized.

Hood View Enjoys Variety

in Baptisms

So far, this year’s 24 Hood View Church (Boring, Ore.) individualized baptisms included many ages, from children to middle-age adults, and have taken place in interesting locations like the ocean, rivers, lakes and hot springs and on a rock-climbing trip.

Hood View's pastors support unique desires about baptism. One young man, Jason Loud, phoned Luke Porter, Hood View youth pastor, after an evening sports event. "I've decided to be baptized," Loud said. "Great! When?" Porter asked. Loud answered, "Right now." So his baptism took place at 11:00 p.m. Baptisms at Hood View are sometimes family-wide events. Shirley Wilmot saw all four of her children baptized together more than 30 years ago. She witnessed the baptism of six of her grandchildren at the same time on Aug. 14 in the Clackamas River with Hood View pastors officiating. Often these baptisms are generated by the kindness of the church members themselves. After 40 years out of the church, a friend’s comment spurred Ted Hilde to consider his spiritual condition. Greeters warmly welcomed him one Sabbath morning at Hood View and invited him to their home for dinner. Consequently he joined the church through baptism.

Hood View's pastors support unique desires about baptism. One young man, Jason Loud, phoned Luke Porter, Hood View youth pastor, after an evening sports event. "I've decided to be baptized," Loud said.

"Great! When?" Porter asked.

Loud answered, "Right now." So his baptism took place at 11:00 p.m.

Baptisms at Hood View are sometimes family-wide events. Shirley Wilmot saw all four of her children baptized together more than 30 years ago. She witnessed the baptism of six of her grandchildren at the same time on Aug. 14 in the Clackamas River with Hood View pastors officiating.

Often these baptisms are generated by the kindness of the church members themselves. After 40 years out of the church, a friend’s comment spurred Ted Hilde to consider his spiritual condition. Greeters warmly welcomed him one Sabbath morning at Hood View and invited him to their home for dinner. Consequently he joined the church through baptism.

Denise Smith invited her co-worker, Rosemary Loum, to church with her. Loum liked the services, attended the CHIP health seminar and was later baptized.

Featured in: October 2004
