The Chosen One [iBelieve]

The New Testament story of Jesus, the true Chosen One and the greatest hero of all, we begin with a look into his family history, his genealogy, for clues about what this particular hero is all about. The first thing we encounter in Matthew 1:1-17 is a careful account of how a lineage of men can be traced from Abraham (the founding father of the Jewish faith) to “Joseph, the husband of Mary, [...] the mother of Jesus who is called the Messiah” (Matthew 1:16).

Read the blog post for THE CHOSEN ONE.

iBelieve is a blog by and for youth and young adults in the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Our content deals with issues of faith and real life through the lens of the Bible, for the sake of people living in the post-modern world. iBelieve is about asking the hard questions, fostering honest conversations, and coming to a more profound understanding of who we are.